Passing: Fire Escape

Acrylic, ink, pastel on canvas (2024)

Size: w 20″ x h 40″ x d 1.5″

Now finished — Ta-da!

Three of my paintings (Nereids in the Garden of Hippocampus, Leaving Eden, and Dragonfly Dance) are on exhibit at the Etobicoke Civic Centre this month through to June 6 as part of The Art of Regret, a group show of work by the Organization of Kingston Women Artists. Here is the link to the Civic Centre (scroll to click on Gallery Exhibitions and the image shown is of my piece, Leaving Eden).

Passing: Fire Escape (Detail of Work in Progress)

Yet another detail (see last two posts), showing a bit more this time. Not finished yet.

This painting began with the idea of red flames, figures descending stairwells and climbing escape ladders while the earth’s treasure, all we cherish in this world, is vanishing, gone forever out the window. It is not so red anymore, but the fire and fear of red reach back to a painting I originally posted in February last year, Nereids Enter the Burning Forest.

Here is the statement I wrote recently for that painting:

This painting is about bravery in the face of insurmountable odds.  The two figures run into a burning forest carrying balls of water, balloons.  They do this rather than step back, look away, leave the job to others.  With their action they counter the hopelessness we on the sidelines feel in these times of crisis.  As I write this, the world mourns in anger the seemingly targeted deaths of seven humanitarian aid workers in Gaza.


Red for me means love and joy
But that is not the subject here.

Fire and Fear

This red is a line and a light:
Don’t cross, it taunts;
Don’t move, it mocks.

This red threatens and cons.
Courage, it cries!
Promising passion,
It pleads sacrifice.

This red is infernal
Gathering heat as it roils and rolls,
It bleeds its case.
It wants your life.

Lost Friend: Northern White Rhino

Acrylic and pastel on cradled birch panel (2023)

Size: w 18″ x h 24″ x d 1.5″

Sudan, the last male northern white rhino, died 19 March 2018. His daughter and granddaughter, Najin and Fatu, are still living, but the subspecies is considered “functionally extinct” as it is no longer viable. I mourn the passing of this great creature with this painting and also the one posted in March (Leaving Eden)